I received an email almost two weeks ago and I forgot to reply to it. I’ve thought about it on more than one occasion, but since it didn’t make a “to-do” list, it simply didn’t get the attention it deserved.
The ironic thing is that the email I’m talking about said in part, “...I never want to get so caught up in the business side, in the “doing,” to neglect the people side of my business. Success rests in part by what we do collectively but nothing is possible without God. As a team, I pray for God’s blessing on us all, in whatever it is we’re doing today … !”
I’m so busy making certain that our clients receive an Ultimate Customer Experience™, I have little time left for business and personal friendships. If you need assistance, you’ll get attention — but when it comes down to personal connections for no reason at all, I suck out loud.
Now that I recognize the problem, there’s hope that I can fix it. Thanks for the reminder, Jason. You truly rock (even though you’re not a Colts fan).
Happy weekend everyone!