Jon and Ashley Masters

Mar 13, 2010

My favorite cousin and best friend, Jerilyn, made it through! And, I’m so proud of her! Her son, Jonathon, got married tonight, and it was truly a beautiful event.

I think it’s pretty much the same for every family — sons are closer to their Moms, and daughters are Daddy’s girls. It’s really hard for us Moms when our baby boys take steps that change their lives forever. We simply must remind ourselves that “it’s not OUR life“, and I know from experience, that’s really difficult.

I was more than a tad worried when I read Jerilyn’s morning FaceBook post that said, “run Jon, RUN“, but she rose to the occasion with dignity and poise. I should’ve expected nothing less.

I simply can’t wait until SHE has a grand-baby on the way. Seriously. ::evil grin::