An intermittent Internet connection around here is a big deal. Bad — no, VERY bad! I started the week by grumbling when things slowed down, but by Friday evening it became so slooooow we thought rebooting the router might help. You know…”power down/power up solves most problems“! Thing is, it didn’t power back up. While the cable TV kept working, there was no phone and no Internet.
I called my ISP’s toll free number and waited 28 minutes before I got to speak to a live human. The dude I got put me on hold again to check a few things internally, and came back to let me know there was nothing he could do. I needed on-sight help. Since I have a phone through this company too, my case was escalated to priority — 24 hours tops and I would be back in business. Yay me!
Thing is — it didn’t happen the way it was promised. To make a long story short — the times of my appointment came and went (twice) without any word from my cable company, and I stayed by my phone and computer all day on Saturday for nothing. Sunday’s here and the call came at 3:00 PM — help was on the way!
Poor dude made some changes outside in the rain, did testing inside and was finished with his service call. We’re up and running — but when you pay for 20.0, you’re not jumping up and down when your upload speed is 7.0. My weekend is shot, and tomorrow, (probably when I’m REALLY busy), someone else is supposed to be back. But I really don’t believe anything I’m told at this point. Would you?
I’m pretty sure this has something to do with What Customers REALLY Want, because I’m more upset about their lack of responsiveness than I am over the slow connection — and I NEED that fast connect.