I receive Facebook notices in email — you probably do too. I don’t have everything set to come to my inbox, but when I’m left a message or when someone asks to be my friend, I do get those. So Sunday evening I check email before heading off to bed and get a friend request with a message:
“Hi Shelley. My name is (insert name here) and we pastor (insert church here). Just wanted to tell you that you’re on our prayer list.”
So I’m wondering WHY I got chosen to be on this prayer list, but it’s a church in our county so I figure the message is legit. I’m about to add this person as a friend and of course ask how my name got added as one in need of prayer, but notice there’s another message too! It reads:
“Shelley, I am sorry but I got you confused with someone else. I really don’t know you.”
I sure hope I was jerked off the list AFTER prayers went out!