so manly sound

Nov 29, 2010

Dragon Dictation is a really cool app, and I have it on my iPad. Here’s how it works — you click the record button and talk, and then the application mysteriously transforms your words into type. You can then email your new ‘note’ or save it.

So as Perry’s is working on this new project, I have an “ah-ha!” moment and excitedly tell him how much time he can save by playing the audio of the presentations he needs converted to documents, and recording them through Dragon Dictation for output. He smiles and declares I’m his hero! He knows he is about to shine without weeks of tedious listening and translating.

Perry clicks PLAY on the audio — he clicks record on the iPad. Two minutes of blah blah blah pass and he’s ready to check out what he’s gotten so far. This was it:

“I haven’t gotten about going to Indiana on my movie holler if you decide to baby born so manly sound.”

Then we found out by mistake that dog barking is translated into satanic jibberish. I don’t have access to cats, but I’m sure a meow is much, much worse.

On a happier note…Santa is coming…