we all fall down

Dec 6, 2010

Everyone that regularly reads whatifitdid.com knows that I actually WATCH and appreciate commercials. I groan at some, (the sticky-bottomed bear Charmin ad), think some are extremely annoying (Geico’s squealing piggy), laugh at some (the Sears Optical commercial where the chick in need of glasses thinks the raccoon is her pet), and just simply love others because I think they’re brilliant (especially the Allstate commercial where the flag is the mayhem).

When I watched GM’s Thanksgiving commercial, my first thought was, “That is way cool.” And, it wasn’t just because I still love John Belushi after all these years.
(You can watch the ad on youtube.com by clicking here.)

I haven’t owned a GM product in I can’t remember how long, so I wouldn’t consider myself an easy audience for a GM advertisement. I’m a MINI fan. Still, I thought the message, “GM Falls Down, Gets Up, and Thanks Us for Helping” was successful in connecting with the audience — even non-GM fans — by touching our emotions, helping us feel a part of their unfortunate plight, and making us proud for helping in their recovery.

The GM commercial reminded me that we all face failure from time to time, but, with the support of family & friends, and the drive to get back up, we will live to see another day — hopefully a successful one.

More to come tomorrow on the crazies! You’ve probably figured out that I’ve dealt with (or am dealing with) a crazy, either personally or professionally. You would probably be right. ☺