the legacy you will leave

Jan 8, 2011

I read an article a week or more ago written by Mike Myatt. Since I’m still thinking about it, I wanted to share it with y’all. His words were spot-on and are applicable to every single one of us.

Talking about creating a legacy that transcends your career, he said, “I can say with great certainty that who you are as a person is infinitely more important than the title you hold at work.” He continues, “If your business is growing, but your spouse is crying and your children are neglected, it’s time to do a reality check on your priorities. If your secretary respects you, but your spouse doesn’t you have serious issues that need your immediate attention. If you would rather spend time with your online “friends” than with your children, it’s time to pull the ripcord on your internet connection.”


No work today for me — no hours of time in front of the computer. Instead, I plan to relax on the couch, and heed the wise words of Mike Myatt — and Dr. Seuss.