I want to share just 3 cool things today — short and sweet because my phone simply will NOT stop ringing.
To the left is an awesome gift idea for Valentine’s Day (or a birthday or for no reason at all). Twenty bucks of love that is sure to make anyone happy. I hope to be the only one in our office with a cylinder garden on my desk. Click here to check it out or order one online.
Next, you gotta check out this article. We can all talk about “thinking outside of the box” and innovative ideas all day long. This chick took action! When she and her husband were both laid off simultaneously in conjunction with the downturn in the economy, she took an idea and a hobby and turned it into a business.
And finally, if you’re a photography person and use Photoshop (at least CS4), here’s a time-saver photo manipulator for you. It’s a Photoshop plugin called Storyboard, and will save you a ton of time in workflow. The image layout (January photos) was created in less than 3 minutes.