I don’t know if you’ve been reading the latest Charlie Sheen rants, or if you’ve seen his most recent interview online, but I wonder where this looney stuff is coming from. The rants seem so over-the-top, Vanity Fair now has a page you can visit that will combine your mad-libs with Charlie’s latest comments. Fun stuff!
I’m still getting used to the latest WordPress update. Since I manage a bajillion of these for others, it makes me nervous when I see that new bar across the top of the page. I’m all for change and upgrades, but I’m struggling a bit with this latest one.
I’m not sure how I might explain how an image like the one on the right could end up on a professional site created for (and maintained for) some professional. Or even a title page with the word ‘nostril’ included. Eeeek!
I’ll be careful. I promise.