You have a friend tell you that bread is $4.50 at the local grocery store. Holy cow! $4.50!! You really don’t have a reason to NOT believe them, are pretty appalled at the price, and so you tell a few friends.
In your best OMG voice you say, “Did you know that [insert store name here] is ripping people off on bread? They are charging $4.50 for freaking loaf!” Of course, your friends tell their friends, and so on. It’s like the game we used to play as kids. You know the one…
In a circle, the first person whispers something to their neighbor, they whisper it to the next person, who whispers it to the next… By the time it gets back full-circle, the story has changed so much, it’s barely recognizable by the person who started the sequence.
What was fun back then isn’t fun when REAL lives and REAL people involved. Back to the bread…
You didn’t lie about that loaf of bread! Heck, you might’ve seen the receipt even. The problem is that your friend didn’t tell you that it wasn’t Butternut they were referencing. It was a custom prepared loaf of bread containing no additives and no artificial flavors, was made with grade A flour from a specialist miller and France’s finest Roquefort cheese.
You tell me.
What’s frustrating? YOU could’ve made a call to the grocery store and simply asked, “How much is a loaf of bread?”