I’m not sure what’s up with me lately. I’ve not been taking photos like normal (all. the. time.), and today, I realized how much I’m slipping away from something that makes me happy.
I don’t always pack a decent camera with me wherever I go, but I do keep my Canon Sureshot in my purse so I don’t miss capturing those special memories. Today, I meet with my favorite people on the planet, pull out my trusty ‘purse camera’ and the battery is dead. Totally. Wouldn’t even turn on. I guess that’s when I realized just how much I’ve been consumed with other things. So I snapped the photo below with my trusty iPhone, in low light — and the quality is so poor that I can’t believe I’m even sharing it. But the composition is pretty darned good, so I made an exception.
Tomorrow is Monday, and I have a plan! I’m going to take more time to do things that make me happy. But in the meantime, I will tell you that the iPhone app Hipstamatic did save the day. Sorta.