It was May 30th, 2004 when winds hit the ville, uprooting trees and causing damage throughout the area. I couldn’t remember if the damaging winds were called straight-line or deemed a tornado, but I do remember taking the photos that appeared on in 04. Not to provide incorrect info, while preparing this week’s Time Capsule Tuesday post I did a quick Google search and found information on the storm still online through the National Weather Service.
(Crothersville Ballpark and a Preston Street home)
(Wind damage sustained to home on Seymour Road and fire damage to home on Preston Street after electricity was reestablished)
(Most headstone flower arrangements placed for Memorial Day have been blown off and are scattered throughout the area.)
And finally, I just had to include the footer image that appeared in 2004 — it’s still true today…
(Can you name the baby in the photo?)