I jokingly told my favorite brother that I planned to only work part-time this week, and then would be ‘on vacation’ for the next 6-8 weeks. I didn’t REALLY plan to follow the Casey Anthony trial THAT closely…
So when I pull back in the driveway after a visit with the pesky neighbors, I’m carrying the little stuff I took with me, fiddling with the tripod plate on my camera while walking through the yard in 2″ heels. A twist and a loud crack later, I’m couch-bound watching the Casey Anthony trial. Go figure.
Lucky for my brother, my voice works, my fingers type — and although I don’t expect any real ‘creative stuff’ to be in production for a bit — the every-day, normal work goes on. My foot? It hurts. And my toes look like snausages. *whine*
Be happy you’re not my office partner. I expect that position to soon make the ‘worlds most dangerous jobs’ list.