Yes, I’m addicted to the Casey Anthony trial. When her mother, Cindy, testified yesterday…it was like I was in in the crowd rooting for my favorite basketball team in the playoffs. The clock was ticking down and right before the buzzer, the ball was thrown toward the basket for a 3 to win the game and… it was a freaking air ball. Disappointed. Cheated. Can’t believe it. I groaned out loud. Then I said, “Liar liar, pants on fire.”
UPDATE: I guess I wasn’t the only one who thought Cindy’s pants were on fire! I posted this around 1:00 AM EST, found the following article this morning: Cindy Seen Leaving Courtroom on Thursday with Pants on Fire. Click the link to read the article for more information on Cindy’s testimony referenced.
Wonder if the jury feels like most everyone in the land of Twitter…
Working with a client in Australia on a date for next month, my hours are crazy. The time difference makes a normal EST work day impossible. So today for lunch, I actually took a break. I went outside for an hour, ate in my lawn chair and enjoyed the sunshine.
ONE HOUR later, I step back in the office and see how many spam messages I’ve received. Over 200 purely crap messages in one hour? Grrrrrr! Of course, I have to sift through them all to make sure I don’t miss anything, but seriously.
Claims by experts that are so general they make us feel inadequate.
I’m not going to say who posted this via a social media outlet, but I will say it is someone I respect. This was the thought for the day: Problems rarely sneak up on you. They almost always happen because you aren’t paying attention or are being lazy or choose to ignore the symptoms.
Really?? A problem is defined as, “A matter or situation regarded as unwelcome or harmful and needing to be dealt with and overcome.” So I guess if I find myself facing some unexpected situation, I am to blame for not expecting it. I should’ve known that my Aunt Shirley was going to flood the rental house — leaving me with a pretty big problem to deal with. I guess I was being lazy, or should have been eternally vigilant, watching her every move. No.
A fat dog that loves me.
Any Coco photo sent to my iPhone.