be the best at what you do

Jul 13, 2011

You probably have a bajillion people telling you what you should or shouldn’t be doing as it relates to all kinds of different things. Advice is a wonderful thing, but it doesn’t tell you anything about how to be the best at what you want to do, or how to be passionate about what you do, or even how to enjoy whatever it is you’re doing.

YOU have to figure out what it is you love to do, and not rely solely on the advice of others. To be the best at what you do, you must the best at trying to be the best!

Do what you love with clarity, precision, attitude and passion!
Just like the example below. Sort of.

Be a bush if you can’t be a tree. If you can’t be a highway, just be a trail. If you can’t be a sun, be a star. For it isn’t by size that you win or fail. Be the best of whatever you are.
~Martin Luther King Jr.

I just received a call from someone over 1000 miles away. The subject matter discussed was in reference to the photo above and its caption, “synchronized milkshake drinking experts.” It seems that one of the 4 people in the photo is nothing more than a poser, thus damaging the reputation of synchronized milkshake drinkers everywhere! A clear straw points to the big faker who destroyed my thought for the day.