When the ASPCA commercials appear on television when I’m in the room, I turn my head, stick my fingers in my ears, and loudly hum, “La la la la.” I simply can’t stand to watch. Animal abuse is something I’ve never been able to understand.
A long time ago I subscribed to a newsletter from a gentleman who was (at the time) a professional speaker. Come to find out, he was also a single guy who used one of his email ‘newsletters’ to include his dating profile. I remember it vividly, not only because I thought it was extremely unprofessional (and a little wacky) to look for a mate in this manner — but also because his profile explained that he had 2 labs that slept in the bed with him at night, and if any woman had a problem with that, they need not contact him with interest in a relationship, his lifestyle or his fortune. Although I could appreciate his stance in reference to his hounds, all I wanted to know at that point was how to unsubscribe. Funny how I remember the dog part, but have no clue what his speech topics were.
“Just because an animal is large, it doesn’t mean he doesn’t want kindness; however big Tigger seems to be, remember that he wants as much kindness as Roo.”
~Winnie the Pooh