type a personality

Feb 3, 2012

If I am a type A personality — Perry is most definitely a type Y or Z. If that isn’t a type — someone needs to put a name to it. I’m really fortunate to work with someone with a Y/Z personality, because another A-type would have quit long ago or would be dead by now. I have ZERO tolerance for stupidity and have forgotten the meaning of patience. I obsess with details and work crazy hours. I write notes and stickies and run 3 calendars all at once.

No matter how wired I am, Perry is the same constant dude who never gets mad, never loses his cool, and never gets shook. He smiles when I know he can’t really mean it — and by looking, you would believe it’s sincere. I’m so type-A that sometimes it ticks me off that he isn’t more like me, even though I would never, ever want him to be (because then he would quit or I’d have to kill him).