video everything to save memories

Apr 16, 2012

As soon as I saw the photo above pop across my screen upon download from my camera, I had a long-time-ago prom memory zap into my head. I haven’t been to a prom in over 30 years, and it’s interesting that this one memory was still lingering around in the ole’ brain. I still find it funny, and here’s what I recall…

One of my good friends arrived at the school in lovely formal attire with her date. The second she stepped inside the darkened gym, a blinding, bright light illuminated the whole darned place! BLINDING. LIGHT. Her father was videotaping her grand entrance. His camera’s light was so bright, all eyes flashed toward HIM (trying to figure out what was causing this invasive action) — and then to her, (trying to see what was so incredibly awesome it deserved the attention). I remember the spotlight, and the cords that trailed behind her Dad’s every step. I remember my friend was embarrassed.

If Mr. Prom Dad didn’t have the video converted at some point, I seriously doubt there is a device available today to view his movie creation. It makes me wonder… what happens to all the incredible movies that my Mom and Perry are creating of Coco if their Blackberry Play Book’s format becomes outdated?

And no, neither of them will be videotaping Colette’s school prom (at least not inside anyway). NO. It’s embarrassing, and some memories are supposed to be a bit more private.