After sharing the Mothers Day photos here and with the family, there were comments made about my favorite brother on the planet. They were more criticisms than they were comments I guess, and referenced that in the fun shots, he didn’t act “stupid enough.” I’m pretty sure that was because he wasn’t close enough to Coco. Have you noticed that the mere presence of a little one can make you do stuff you thought you’d outgrown? For example… who of you out there that know me and my family would ever expect that this dude would be caught in the act of smelling (yes, SMELLING) a dandelion?
Please note, there was someone who wasn’t afforded that same opportunity! Down on level, and still didn’t get attention. We were all pretty surprised when this someone got dissed — big time. I’m guessing it’s because he didn’t act ‘stupid enough’.
If the only photos you take are planned and posed, your hobby is going to be pretty darned boring, and you’re going to miss a ton of really good stuff. The photos you grab when your subjects are playing around are (in my opinion) some of the best memories you’ll capture.
Click away at your subjects when they aren’t looking.