do not go where the path may lead

May 17, 2012

We are currently experiencing amazing weather in the Ville. When that happens, the office will sometimes move to the back deck. Make no mistake… work still gets done, it’s just that Perry and I are happier doing it in the sunshine. When our workspace is unconventional and absolutely not as one would expect, we figure we aren’t following a standard path, but are instead leaving a trail for others to follow. Heh. So, for those of you feeling much too confined to be productive, mix it up already!

We weren’t the only ones not following a path and leaving a trail…

I remember as a kid looking to the sky and thinking these were smoke trails made by jets that were on fire, when in fact, they are nothing more than vapor trails created when warm moist air that comes from the jet mixes with the cold air in the sky. Basically… condensation. It’s still pretty cool, yah?

Libby? She didn’t have time to look to the sky. She was too busy basking in the warm sun and dreaming of chasing bunnies.

Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson