movies, books and is amazon a spy

May 26, 2012

I’m doing my best to stay away from the computer throughout the holiday weekend, and I’m doing pretty darned good too I might add. My hours are so crazy, most times I feel as if my connection is as much a part of ME as my appendages. And speaking of appendages… the second thing I vowed to do this weekend was to NOT hurt another body part. A skinned knee and a messed up finger (both separate incidents) and I feel like a walking accident just waiting to happen. I figure if I watch movies, read, and catch up on some ZzzZZzz’s, nothing major can go wrong.

So I settle in with my Apple TV and get cozy for a movie I’ve been waiting to rent, The Grey (click the link… it LOOKS like it would be good) I like Liam Neeson, but this flick was a serious disappointment. Maybe it’s not a chick thing to watch dudes get stalked, attacked, gnawed on, and killed by wolves. I probably should’ve been paying closer attention when watching the trailer but I thought there would be a STORY behind it. Nope. No story. Just lots of OMGanotheronebitesthedust moments.

When it comes to books, I’m a crime drama girl. I liked ‘The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo‘, and I love the ‘Women’s Murder Club‘ series by James Patterson… those types of books. Occasionally, I’ll buy business professional books, but that’s about the extent of it. My son, Ben, is obsessed with Stephen King’s ‘The Dark Tower‘ series. Insisting I read the first book, ‘The Gunslinger: The Dark Tower I’, he sent it to me via loan in ePub format. Again, it’s like NOTHING I would ever choose to read. So I put the book within my documents on my iPad, and started reading it through the Kindle app. I’ve struggled about 1/2 way through and it’s pretty good. Not my type of book… but it’s good.

Is Amazon Spying on Me?
So today, Amazon sends me a personal email filled with recommendations! Amazon, are you looking at what I put in my documents if I read it through your app? Hmmmm….