snooping around

Jul 6, 2012

A few things I found while looking around…

I seriously don’t have time to snoop around the Internet much. As I’ve mentioned before, I read a ton of stuff — but I don’t have much time for Facebook and I don’t do Twitter. I really don’t understand how so many people have so much time when I can’t figure out if I’m coming or going for the most part.

I try to pop on Facebook once a day to provide happy wishes to those having birthdays and was pretty happy I did, because I found the image to the left. Best thing I’ve seen in a long, long time.

Wondering if you’re going to have Internet come Monday? Or maybe you don’t know there’s a virus out there with a payload that will interrupt your online service if you have it. It’s an equal opportunity virus… both Mac and PC users are vulnerable. McAfee has a tool so you can see if you have malware called DNS changer. Go ahead and click it — better safe than sorry.