there are still some left…

Sep 24, 2012

There are still persimmons on the trees but many, many more on the ground. Probably more than that already worked into pulp, and more than that given away to interested friends and neighbors. I think bittersweet, mums pumpkins and persimmons are what come to mind first when I think of fall. Even more than Halloween decorations… and those have already started to appear and it’s not even October yet.

And something else where there are still some left?

Harry Bosch books I’ve yet to read by Michael Connelly. I’m not sure how I missed them, or if I started reading about ole’ Harry late in his career, but I’ll admit it’s a little different to read back in time. I grabbed a couple oldies but goodies and finished Concrete Blonde (1994 for crying out loud) over the weekend. I bought it because his new book was in the “NEW RELEASES” for Kindle on Amazon and it’s not out yet. I hate that.

Seriously, do you not find it annoying when the top 10 books that are shown as NEW RELEASES aren’t flipping released yet?

I’m sure it works well for everyone… if you like to pre-order books, you grab it early. If you hate to pre-order but like a certain author, you’ll be like me and give up trying to find new books that actually ARE released and buy something old written by someone familiar. I still hate it when they do that.