chosen without method or conscious decision

Feb 20, 2013

You’ll not find another blogger yacking about such random, useless garbage as what you’re about to read right here, right now.

Jodi Arias.
There are people in this world that are simply bat-shit crazy. Not an insane kind of crazy… but instead, a person saturated with character flaws so horrific that they they become an incredibly scary human being. I haven’t gotten into this trial so much because I still have a bad taste in my mouth from the Casey Anthony fiasco. Oh, and because since Jodi’s gotten on the stand it’s been a snooze fest. Even her story that’s filled with sex, lies, videos and murder can’t hold my attention. Here’s hoping the jury “gets it” that 29 stab wounds (9 in the BACK), a gunshot to the forehead, AND a throat slit ear to ear doesn’t amount to self defense… no matter how elaborate her stories are. Don’t you hate it when someone doesn’t own what they do?

I read an article on National Geographic that said in a perfect way what I’ve known all along. Dogs can understand our point of view. Take THAT cats!! The article references a new study’s research showing that domestic dogs, when told not to snatch a piece of food, are more likely to disobey the command in a dark room than in a lit room — suggesting that dogs have specialized skills in reading human communication. There are dogs that some humans are so fond of, they never get in trouble and can basically do whatever they please. Those dogs don’t have to sneak or wait for their owner to leave or until the room is dark to simply stick their head in the popcorn tin. ::cough:: Libby is a popcorn snob… she prefers the caramel.

Weather in the Ville
19 degrees right now and Friday the forecast is calling for ice in the morning with 55 degrees as high for the day. Dear Indiana… my sinuses hate you.

All good things come to an end.
Like this generic post and Valentine flowers.

headed to the trash today