Another Facebook rant you might ask? Why, yes. Yes. It is.
Facebook is a social networking website launched in February 2004. Everyone I know (almost) has a profile; and everyone I know (almost) complains about what’s there. Me included. Obviously. Recipes are showing up now like crazy (the more people that have Pinterest accounts the more recipes are shared), and those who shout, “DRAMA!” the loudest seem to be the biggest offenders. Ads. Politics. Sports. Religion. There’s something for everyone on Facebook.
I can skip over the “I went to the gym today” statuses… and the “here’s what I had for dinner” ones too. I don’t care when people share things they think are funny that don’t amuse me. I’m good with “please pray for so and so” and enjoy photos of dogs and kids especially. I LIKE IT when people say what they think. But I’ve read some really ugly comments lately and you probably have too. And yes, I’m talking about advocates and opposers insofar as the campaign for/against rights for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people — and gay marriage.
Opinions are just fine with me. But hate? I don’t go there. Since I’m not sure exactly how to deal with some of the comments, I simply don’t respond at all. And that’s hard too. The obvious progression of Facebook makes me wonder… what will social networking sites be like in a year? Two? Scary, you guys.