I read something today that I would’ve never guessed…
According to the results of a survey conducted by AT&T and published in USA Today, 49% of adult drivers admit to texting behind the wheel. But get this… 43% of the teen respondents admitted that they text while driving. That either means age makes you stupid, or teens lie.
And something else I didn’t know (and I guess it makes sense) is that the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) says that: Texting while driving is six times more dangerous than driving drunk.
It seems the odds indicate we’re going to meet some dangerous risk-taker while driving about every time we get in the car. If you’re traveling this holiday weekend, be safe — and put down your mobile phone for crying out loud!
This is a public service announcement from Gracie, as she stays in her preferred “safe spot” between the sofa and coffee table.