If you’re not from one small town in particular, this may be of no interest to you at all. But if you’ve ever been to Crothersville (a.k.a. ‘the Ville’ that I speak of so often), or even if your roots are in a small town that you’d like to see grow, you might just find something of interest in the thoughts I’m sharing today.
Recently, I was asked to serve on a committee to help formulate a Comprehensive Plan for the Town of Crothersville. When you serve on any committee in a small town, it’s likely you’re going to know every single person you’ll be working beside — and this particular group was no exception. Short version… we met and discussed and passed around ideas and subsequently a grant was approved to begin the process that would address future community service needs, and that’s the first step in making the Ville eligible for other grants that can actually result in visible changes.
The first planning workshop had better attendance than I expected (proud!), and many attendees offered constructive ideas — from annexation and growth areas, to infrastructure and improving access points of entry to the Ville, and more. But the highest concern — the thing most everyone agreed needed the most attention — was the appearance of downtown. School growth (Crothersville is home to a 4 Star school!), improving the town’s image, and water/sewer/storm water drainage improvements were also high on the list. As they should be.
I really hope I can share some positive updates in the future reference exciting projects of improvement.
- If you’re from the Ville, please visit the planning website hlplanning.com/crothersville (thanks, Dan Kovert of Stephen J. Christian & Associates) and get involved! And, you can always read more about what’s going on in the local newspaper, The Crothersville Times.