I read a post during my daily Facebook visit that’s still in my head. It was the status of a friend saying she had “x” number of days until retirement (“x” being the number of days left of school since she’s a teacher). She’s only 2 years older than me and the two of us shared rides to IUS many years ago. She’s retiring, and I feel like I’m just really getting started.
Before you say under your breath that I’m jealous — I’m not. In fact, I’m thrilled that she can retire. My son had her in 2nd grade… she was an amazing teacher back then, and from what I understand she still is. It just seems so odd that she’s winding down insofar as her career when the last thing on my mind is retirement.
I can see myself not getting up early or working much too late; I can see myself devouring one crime novel after another and meeting friends mid-day for brunch; and I can even see myself on a beach with a fruity beverage watching my skin darken and get more leathery by the minute. But not yet. Not today. Honestly, I can’t see me being ready to retire in 10 years, you guys.
I figure I’ll announce my retirement at the same time as my older, wiser and favorite brother. I’m guessing that will be within the next… never. But according to Tom T. Hall, I’m halfway there already…
When you retire, it’s a place in life, a part of the journey. You just don’t quit work; you develop an attitude where you can do what you please.”
Tom T. Hall