It’s all about polarity. You got this one positively charged thing and this other negatively charged thing and then chemistry takes over and the result? Libby and Gracie are exactly like trying to mix oil and water. It’s like this…
Libby is water. She’s smart and electrically charged — her molecules are like a Mickey Mouse head for sure.
Then you have Gracie. She’s a lipid. All clumped together and clingy. She’s always happy but has no clue why. Although really made of non-polar molecules, Libby swears that means she’s bipolar.
Try putting the two of them together and they will separate every single time. They don’t hate each other or bicker. No! Libby usually ignores and only tolerates her blonde adopted sister. They simply don’t mix. Just like oil and water.
And THAT is why I rarely share photos of them together… because they rarely are.