It’s a great place to eat popsicles or check email on your phone or just relax and do nothing at all. The patio room should probably be the first area that receives attention in the ‘help me escape the 80’s‘ house project.
This room holds every single piece of furniture in the house — and yes, the furniture consists of a camping table that folds up into a suitcase, a grand total of 2 lawn chairs and one stool that will pinch you if you sit on it. Unless you count a piano. Seriously. Working conditions are atrocious, wouldn’t you agree?
My favorite brother has some cool epoxy or something on his garage floors that I think would be perfect in this room. I’m pretty sure I should put a halt on the bedroom painting and do this floor ASAP so I can at least have one good spot for relaxing. If you have suggestions for flooring (other than ceramic tile because I’m too lazy to do it myself and have enough “real” floor expense), please share.