The best entertainment ever is a 3 year-old. Right after Coco told Perry to “go to work” and “dooooo something,” she tried to poke an orange Reece’s Pieces in my mouth claiming it would ‘make me smell good.’ If that’s true, Gracie needs a bag. At least a bag.
Since I had a willing subject this evening, I wanted to share just a quick thought on photo composition. Photos are not just about what you take… but how you take them. One quick zoom with your lens makes a HUGE difference. Every single photograph you make is an important memory for someone. You don’t want to blow your chance at creating something meaningful when it takes so little time to simply click once more… or flip the camera to snap a portrait of the same thing you just got in landscape. Two quick examples are below.
If the only photograph I created was the first one, you would’ve never known that Colette was sharing a special moment with a hound she loves. And 10-years from now, chances are I will have forgotten that as well. Take that extra couple seconds to fire another round or two.