I saw a photo yesterday that was an obvious fake. One person standing in front of a modified background with a second person pasted/cloned in to look as if the photo was a shot of the two people together. Fiction… not reality. Heck, a piece of the poor dude’s ear was even missing! Still, the fake was being passed off as a real life memory frozen in time. Ewwwww!
Have you seen that viral wedding photo where it appears as if the wedding party is running away from a dinosaur? OooOOoo — and so cool! However, that too is fiction. (If you missed it, you can find it here on the Huffington Post.)
The difference is — the photographer is not trying to pass it off as “real!” The photogrpaher’s creativity and style resulted in an image that not only brought smiles to their client, but thanks to the Internet, many of us throughout the world.
How about that cool “photo” up there of Libby and her boyfriend and Sissy Mammy Grammy? Right out of the camera, you guys! I’m sure you believe me… (at least Libby isn’t missing a portion of an ear!)