BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! You know that sound you hear as a wide load is backing up? That’s what I woke up to this morning…
The ditch in front of the house in the Ville is already deep — so deep, in fact, that you can’t stand on the ‘bank’ and weed eat the bottom. A big ole’ pain in the butt to maintain in the summer! But evidently, it wasn’t nearly deep enough because the county showed up to dig early enough to wake me up, and after digging only one side of the ditch that runs the length of the front yard their dump truck was full. The lovely rocks stacked around the drive’s culvert are now nothing but a rugged display of how to waste time. If you need fill dirt, the county will soon have plenty to sell.
I figure I’d better soak in this experience. Once in Seymour, the whole ditch digging thing will be nothing but a memory. That mental list I’m keeping of the positive and negative aspects of moving just got one more mark on the positive side.