I was thinking this morning about something my brother told me years and years ago: “Life is too LONG to be miserable.” You always hear the phrase about life being too short — but think about it. If just for a moment… think about it.
“Life is too LONG to be miserable.”
When my wise sibling first uttered those words to me I was in a really bad spot in life. Sure, he said many other things as well that were meant as advice, (Run! He’s gonna’ kill you! BASTARD!), but they only applied to my then dire situation. “Life is too LONG to be miserable” is always applicable because being miserable is… well, it’s freaking miserable.
There’s only one other phrase I remember even more often and more vividly — it was told to me by my Grandmother. “It’s a poor hen that can’t scratch for one little chicken.” She was right, you guys.
So if you’re reading this and you’re just staying miserable in life because you think you have responsibilities that require it — remember that life is too LONG to be miserable, and any old hen should be able to scratch for one (or more than one!!) little chicken. (I’m pretty sure this could also apply to scratching roosters and really over the hill hens — like ME — too.)