We have this thing — if it’s your birthday, you pick the restaurant and it’s simply too bad if everyone else hates it. Perry’s birthday is tomorrow and he chose to eat at Seymour’s Tokyo Hibachi & Sushi — one of the newest eateries in town. My favorite sister-in-law, Tammy, walked in a bit late… but about 45 seconds behind her… was my favorite brother! I thought he was in Vegas!
I usually talk to said brother about 5 times every day, and I thought it was odd he hadn’t called. Still, I figured he knew I was working and didn’t want to interrupt. I had no clue it was because he had a secret he probably couldn’t keep if we were to talk on the phone. It was an awesome surprise and I learned something new about Tammy. That girl can keep a secret, you guys. I was so amazed that Scott showed up I forgot to take even one photo after everyone arrived. I ended up with only 3 low, low quality iPhone photos taken before Scott & Tammy got there. This is the best I have to show for a fabulous (other than MORE snow) day…
RESTAURANT REVIEW: The food was great — but don’t go to Seymour’s Tokyo Hibachi & Sushi expecting to be seated at a hibachi table with fire and a food-flipping chef making volcanos and choo-choo trains from onions for entertainment. It’s not really a birthday-celebration type place (although they did bring out some hot banana type dessert and sang to Perry causing the usual embarrassment when you admit to being there because of a birthday). It is; however, a fabulous and inexpensive I-don’t-want-to-cook-tonight restaurant that I’m sure we’ll frequent.