A whopping 50 degree high today with rain and dreary, gray skies. Really, Spring? Is this the BEST you could do? No games of chase the tennis ball today because I don’t own a pair of hip waders.
As I was talking to my favorite sister in law on the phone this afternoon, I mentioned the viral video of the cat saving the child from being eaten by a vicious dog. (Libby and Gracie swear it’s a fake!) I couldn’t believe it when she told me she hadn’t seen it! CLICK RIGHT HERE if you missed it too. It’s short and because it doesn’t include sound, you can check it out even if you’re at work and no one will ever know.
Then she asked, “How do you find all this stuff?!?“
Rather than overwhelm her with the multiple sites I subscribe to or the lists of pages included in my Flipbook and Zite apps — I simply gave her 3 URLs that I figure will keep her busy for awhile. Just in case you’re not planning on throwing a tennis ball today either, I’ll share them with you too… and hope you find at least one thing of interest:
- Mashable — http://mashable.com
Seriously, if you can’t find something here of interest EVERY SINGLE DAY, just go watch T.V. - LifeHack — http://lifehack.org
Here you’ll find tips on life. Plain and simple. Go here and get motivated. - Sad and Useless — http://sadanduseless.com
The most depressive humor site on the Internet (their words, not mine), and most often times I can at least get a snicker from the crazy photos they share.
That’s it! Extreme variety with only 3 options — hope you enjoy!