bubbles and a ziggle

Jun 11, 2014

I explained yesterday that I’ve been MIA — and that’s why I ‘m just now getting around to posting photos from Coco’s 4th birthday party. Two words to remember when it comes to a birthday party for a 4 year-old (besides cake, ice-cream, balloons and candles)…. BUBBLES and ZIGGLE.

Bubbles are always fun. Even great Mam-maw got into them:

gimme bubbles

Coco is struggling insofar as learning to ride her “baby bike” (bike with training wheels that allow the rider to coast and brake by peddling backwards). So I purchased the BEST item EVER… a ZIGGLE. It’s easy to learn to power and she LOVES it! (Photo courtesy of Perry’s Blackberry)

a ziggle

I did mention cake, ice-cream, balloons and candles, and we had those!


As is almost always the case when throwing a good party, there will be a “crasher” that just shows up for cake…

gimme cake

Happy 4th birthday to my favorite granddaughter, Colette — hope you have a bajillion more!

birthday girl