This site (along with others I manage), has a new server home. When first ready for a host company after a time of developing websites, I opted for a company in Bethlehem, PA. I was happy with what they provided and they were happy getting my money. About 10 years later, they sold to another company… that sold to another company… that sold to another company. I hung in there because FAMILIAR is important when you’re busy — but after 19 years, the acquiring company decided they didn’t have interest in offering the service I’d stuck with all this time. Windstream gave me 30 days to move everything.
I can’t blame them for choosing to put the majority of their efforts into what makes them the most profit. I can blame them for only giving me — a loyal customer — only 30 days to get out.
The good news? I’ve been so busy migrating websites in combination with real work that I haven’t had time to talk myself into buying that car I want that doesn’t even have room for groceries.