Facebook Friday and stuff you shouldn’t miss

Oct 22, 2015

I have some random thoughts to close the week but will begin with #FacebookFriday — you remember, it’s where I share the best/worst thing I noticed on Facebook throughout the week…

oh my

Personally, I can’t imagine even THINKING about Facebook during an emergency situation or if I was in the back of an ambulance — much less posting for prayers during the ride.  That’s right — taking out your phone and typing (or talking to Siri I guess) while bouncing around in the back of an ambulance with an EMT at your side on the way to the emergency room of a hospital.  I read a bit later this sweet lady made it to the hospital, so who am I to judge?


You’ve probably all heard of Periscope by now and maybe you’re even sharing. I never miss video of a favorite relative’s little one at dance class — and Scott McKain has some interesting shares as well (you can see replays at http://createdistinction.com). But I’d not heard of Blab until yesterday.  Have you checked it out?

Per Blab — it’s all about watching (and participating in) live discussions. “The internet’s most interesting interviews, talk shows, casual hangouts, debates, discussions, and live workshops in one place.”  Where does one find the time for all this social media stuff, you guys? My job keeps me tethered to the computer and I still don’t have hours upon hours for it.

And finally… puppies are evil.  Just sayin’…

puppies are evil