I read an article on Mashable that said closing emails with “best” is bad. After going through how bad ALL the options are supposed to be (“warm regards” is effusive — “cheers” is elitist) the suggestion was made to sign off with nothing… not even a name. I was paying attention until that last point because that’s the second I figured out the author was nuts.
I get a ton of email messages and most all are about a specific date for a specific client — from the client or from a speaker bureau about a specific client on a specific date. It makes me crazy when I receive an email that assumes I remember who, what, when & where… or when a signature isn’t included. I spend a ton of time trying to figure it out — while still making the sender feel like they are the most important person in the universe. I don’t care how you sign off an email… but at least sign off.
My best,