It’s been more than a year since the last brick pillar beside the drive at my house was hit by a car and demolished. The first time, a spider dropped down startling the driver. The last time, I’m pretty sure the dude had consumed too much alcohol.
Yesterday evening, the tree in Ben’s front yard was struck by a car.

Although it started to rain AFTER the accident, the roads were clear and dry beforehand — so I have to wonder what caused the driver to cross into the opposite lane and hit that tree. It’s not like Ben’s house is located on a curvy street or his tree is situated in a blind spot on some country road.
So what happened?
The spider story is a good one because it’s perfectly legal. Drinking or texting would be plausible but might land the driver in some legal trouble. It appears the driver was ok because he didn’t leave the scene by ambulance. He didn’t leave in the back of a police car either so I vote “the spider did it.“