There are not enough hours in the day — especially when life happens on top of work.
My Momma (pesky non-neighbor #1) has had a rough few weeks with back issues. After seeing my favorite OrthoIndy doctor, she’s MUCH better but Carl (pesky non-neighbor #2) is now taking his turn with back issues. Since backs are only bad in Crothersville, I’ve driven there more times in the past two weeks than I had in the 9 months since I sold my house located just down the road from them.
I’d do just about anything for those pesky non-neighbors, as evidenced by the fact that I hit Wal-mart TWICE upon their request. I’d rather take a stick in the eye than walk through those doors, but I took one (no, TWO) for the team.
Dharma’s expression in the following photo is exactly the same as mine when a Wal-mart trip is inevitable.