My great uncle, Theodore E. Hancock (Ted), owned this house before me. He and his wife, Lois, my Grandmother’s sister, purchased this newly built home to be closer to family after having lived in Greenwood for at least 100 years. Ted just LOVED silicone.
We know how much he loved silicone because it’s everywhere in this 80’s house. EVERYWHERE. He squired it behind every bracket on every toilet paper holder and towel rack before placing the screws (making them nearly impossible to replace) and around every window (who needs windows that open anyway?). I would bet money the little old man slept with a silicone gun — and I’ve added 50 pounds of the stuff within trash bags over the past 4 years.
I painted Colette’s room over the weekend and when I moved her bed (an antique that belonged to Ted and I decided to keep), the sucker broke!

Upon close inspection I found… you guessed it… silicone! It was obvious the bed had been broken before because it was repaired with small nails (not screws) and at least a 1/2 tube of silicone — and you can’t fix bed frames with silicone. RIP bed.