Watching the HGC road to the finals today on, I thought I’d do a few work things at the same time. All set-up with the Twitch app on my TV and my laptop on the coffee table, I settled in for a relaxing but productive Sunday.
SOMEONE pretended to help… but in reality, she just wants all my attention.
Dharma prefers a normal routine. She wants to go to bed when she thinks it’s time, and she wants me in the office every second that I’m not in bed or playing with her.
I’ve heard it said, “I wish my kid would act like my dog. My dog listens to me and does what I tell him to do.” Obviously, the author of that didn’t have a dog like Dharma. It is possible; however, they did have a kid like mine. With BlizzCon next weekend, I think I need to find a sitter.
Ironic that the book on the bottom shelf of the coffee table is titled “DOG TRAINING.”