My trees are up and you can find a few holiday decorations around the house, but I’ve yet to put up lights outside and there’s not one single gift wrapped and under the tree. With Christmas at Ben’s this year, he took Colette’s presents home to put under their tree. I’m pretty sure he did it to drive her crazy for the next 30 days.

It’s probably a good thing because I’m weak. Back in the day, my kid could bat those big brown eyes at me and ask for, “just ONE.” I would always give in — he had it down to a science. Of course, afterward I’d look under the tree and figure he needed more gifts. So then I’d have to find more money to replace what he opened… and so on… and so on… until Christmas Eve.
I seriously still do that. Now I not only have a son with big brown eyes, my granddaughter has them too.