A quick Internet search will reveal a bajillion articles that list tips to be more productive and get more done in less time. A few of the popular tips are:
- Don’t multi-task. (Not to be confused with #2.)
- Multi-task.
- Do your important work before lunch. (I wonder if this is really suggesting we eat lunch at 3:00 PM.)
- Form new habits to improve efficiency and focus.
- Give yourself solid “me” time.
Yes, I wasted time reading those tips (instead of being productive), but I did come across a pretty crazy concept along the way…
There was a study conducted by Lucre that concluded taking a shower break during each work day increased productivity and creativity by over 40% — and 23% of those showering indicated their mood was improved.
Those stats were enough to convince Dharma to give it a try. She reported her mid-day shower gave her a sudden burst of energy, but after circling the room about 25 times she was sleepy and no longer cared about productivity at all. She also stated it made her hair curly and she feared colleagues would ridicule her.
Tomorrow, Dharma plans to give herself more “me” time to see how that works out.