I received an email that included the following: “But the thing is, my bad days are actually pretty rare. And it’s not because I have a successful business, or a big income, or a certain level of freedom… Here’s what made the difference for me…” (INSERT LINK HERE)
Would you…
- Click the link believing the author is an expert with a silver bullet that can reduce the number of bad days you experience thinking it must be big magic if what’s on the other side is even better than being a successful business owner with money rolling in and plenty of time to spend it?
- Think the author is a braggart with something he wants readers to buy that will further increase his big income and promptly delete the message from your inbox?
- Roll your eyes and click the link out of curiosity, wondering what voodoo BS awaits?
I clicked. Behind the door I found a video and a transcript with more of the same – to poorly summarize… you (A) train your brain to turn bad situations into positive ones (you’re not in control of what happens but you are in control of how you react to situations) and (B) you meditate. Not a pitch to buy anything…
Oh, but lookie at all the links!
- Subscribe for updates (I want to add you to my list so I can sell you something later)!
- Type your email address HERE for a FREE PDF with 16 secret rules to build a successful online business (another list where you’ll be nurtured and tracked and segmented and ranked)!
- Not convinced to give me your precious contact info? Well… here’s a bunch more links – keep reading!
Do you see it? Inbound methodology – basic content marketing to attract those desiring a successful business with big income and freedom (pretty much every breathing human)… specifically TARGETING those who want to attain those things by launching an online business that sells something. The delivery (from my semi-knowledgable perspective) is flawless.
So I ask again… would you click the link?