Last night I dreamed I had Alzheimer’s. My asleep brain kept trying to quiz itself to see what it remembered. For example, on Friday I made a list of 4 things I had to do for work first thing on Monday morning. Right before bed, I did 3 of those things on Sunday night. Crazy brain kept exposing the fact to sleepy brain that it couldn’t remember that 1 remaining thing.
What was that ONE REMAINING ITEM on my list??
Almost in a panic while asleep, I’d convinced myself I probably wouldn’t even know my own name by morning! Either I was going bat shit crazy or I had Alzheimer’s! Take your pick, the prognosis for either was grim.
Oddly enough, this morning I remembered my name. I also completed that one remaining list item and even started a longer list for the rest of my day. I remembered the names of my 2 hound dogs too. BUT, I did forget to let them back in the house while typing this.
Dharma’s settled in bed and her feet occasionally paddle like she’s running. Sure hope she’s chasing a bunny and not being taunted by her own brain!
![Dharma asleep on the bed](