2 things that can destroy an agenda when you work from home

May 6, 2019

There are two major things that can totally destroy my work plans…

  1. The weather.
    When you look at the forecast and see today is the only day without rain for a week you know you’d better mow the grass. Put that little job off and given that it’s spring… you’ll need a hay baler next time.
  2. My boss traveling to a place with a different time zone.
    Work calls after you’ve already put in a 10-hour day can be annoying AND change your plans quickly and dramatically. It also doesn’t help when your number is the one that gets butt-dialed at all hours. Seriously… 2 calls on Saturday morning around 4:30 AM ET and another on Sunday morning before 6:00 AM ET.
My boss at "work."

As an aside, the photo above is what “work” looks like for my favorite brother this week. The photo below is what “work” looks like for me:

better mow today before rain