A couple months shy of 5-years since my back surgery, I’ve found that if I don’t keep up with exercise my back can’t keep up with me. That’s the real reason I’m back on the treadmill (every. single.day.) and doing the Weight Watchers thing.
If you think surgery just “fixes” the problem and you go back to the same habits that started your issues in the first place… (like sitting for hours upon hours working at a computer)… you’ll find out that simply isn’t the case. At my age, I no longer care to be skinny — but these extra years of life do bring to light the need to take better care of my body.
In addition to exercise and watching what I eat, I try to spend a little time just relaxing. For Christmas last year, my favorite brother and sister-in-law bought me a Shiatsu neck and back massager. It’s amazing, you guys — EXCEPT I have a vicious protector that thinks the vibrating and movement of this crazy, glowing red thing on my back is trying to hurt me.

Dharma bites at it, barks at it, and digs at it until she pulls it off of me — then licks my ears (no clue why it’s the ears) to make everything all better again. For the record, having your ears pinned back by a dog’s tongue is NOT a relaxing experience. But… it sure is cute. 🙂